Of Weather and Wine
The story of our vintages.Timeline: State of the Vine
A lot of factors contribute to high quality wine. The hard work involved in the process from start to finish is important, but it all starts with the weather. Over the past decade, we have experienced a lot of changes in the weather due to climate change. A little known fact is that harsh weather and droughts can be excellent for the quality of wine in the hands of the right crafter. Each grape tells the story of every drop of rain and every gust of wind. Every ray of sunshine and every hour spent preparing the soil. We pay special attention to each grape, put integrity in every barrel, and pour our passion into every glass.

2010 Velvet Vintage Edition Wines
The rain was bountiful this year. It led to soft fertile soils and lush healthy grapes. The wine resulting from this year’s harvest is a Wine lover’s dream.

2011 High Vintage Edition Wines
This year the earth was dry. The rain came sparingly. The conditions gave the harvest a unique texture and made the grapes delightfully sweet. The sweet, natural flavors of the grapes did the wine a proper justice. Shop

High Vintage Edition Wines 2012
The beginning of the North American heatwave. As temperatures continued to rise the grapes sweetened. The stress of the vine gives the grapes legs, and character, and the wine depth, and texture. Let the wines crafted this year tell you the story. Shop

2013 High Vintage Edition Wines
The beginning of the historic California Drought. As the soil dries the vine reacts. The roots grow deeper into the ground as the vine strains to survive. The drought enhanced the natural ebb and flow of the flavors of the wines. They became more dense and sweet and were gifted legs galore. Shop

Peak Vintage Edition Wines 2014
This year marked the height of the California Drought. The region was it’s driest in 1,200 years. As a result, The vines sent their roots twice as deep into the ground in search of nourishment. The conditions caused the wine to be rich in flavor, with a lush texture. The grapes produced this year were historic. Each bottle exhibits the very depths of complexity. The will of the vine to survive permeates the grapes and shine through in the wine. Shop

2015 Exclusive Blend Edition Wines
The heat this year broke records. It was accompanied by sudden bursts of cold. Many winemakers lost up to 50% of their crops. Rather than lament over the conditions out of our control, we decided to innovate. The weather gave rise to our uniquely crafted house blend, the Estate Left Foote. Sold Out!

Velvet Vintage Edition Wines 2016
This year the rain finally came. It nourished the soil and allowed the vine to breathe. The wet year resulted in a bountiful harvest of plump, juicy grapes. The wine that resulted was supple and velvet-like. Shop

2017 Sunshine Vintage Edition Wines
The warmth returns, again breeding sweetness and complexity in the grapes. The wine expresses the change in tempter in its tannins and legs. The vintage added an extra vigor to our wines. Shop